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, Press Release
December 28, 2018

Gusto Receives State Honor for Philanthropic Work in the Des Moines Area

December 28, 2018
Des Moines, IA- Oct 11 – On Monday October 8th, Gusto Owners Joe McConville, Josh Holderness and Tony Lemmo, were awarded the 2018 Large Community Restaurant Neighbor Philanthropy Award by the Iowa Restaurant Association for their support of JOPPA and their efforts to combat hunger in Des Moines. Holdneress and Lemmo were presented the award at a ceremony in Des Moines by the Incoming Chairman of the National Restaurant Association Board of Directors Joe Essa of Wolfgang Puck Worldwide and the Current Chairman of the Iowa Restaurant Association Board of Directors Darin Beck of Barmuda Companies. JOPPA is an organization which strives to alleviate hunger and help the homeless of Central Iowa in any way possible. “Ninety percent of restaurants and bars give time and money to their local communities,” said Jessica Dunker, president and CEO of the Iowa Restaurant Association, who hosted the Awards Ceremony.  “The owners of Gusto exemplify the type of impact one hospitality establishment can make on an entire community.” On the 4thSunday of the month– no matter if it’s Christmas Day or the Super Bowl – you will find the owners out delivering 125 to 150 hot meals to the homeless.Beyond the monthly meal program, Gusto holds an annual “Take a Slice out of Hunger” Golf Outing, that last year yielded $30K in donations and looks to continue to grow each year. Joe, Josh and Tony put countless hours into helping out JOPPA anyway they can.  They are all motivated by an inherent sense that those who have, should help those who do not. It is an ideology all three have always believed in and done their best to live by. A video showcasing Gusto can be found at Iowa Restaurant Association The Iowa Restaurant Association is an advocacy organization supporting Iowa’s restaurant and bar industry with educational and promotional programs across the state. Media Contact: Josephine Jensen Public Relations Specialist 319-464-0766

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