Industry News
, IRA Press Information
, Press Release
December 28, 2018
Representative Brian Best Receives Iowa Restaurant Association Legislator of the Year Award
Des Moines, IA- Oct 10 – On Monday October 10th, Representative Brian Best of Iowa’s 12thDistrict was awarded the 2018 Legislator of the Year Award by the Iowa Restaurant Association for his willingness to advocate for Iowa’s Restaurant Industry. Best was presented the award at a ceremony in Des Moines by the Incoming Chairman of the National Restaurant Association Board of Directors Joe Essa of Wolfgang Puck Worldwide and the Current Chairman of the Iowa Restaurant Association Board of Directors Darin Beck of Barmuda Companies.
Representative Brian Best took a lead role on an extremely difficult issue last legislative session—DRAM (liquor liability insurance) reform. Believing that strong main streets are key to survival of rural communities, Best knew that there had to be changes made to make it possible for main street operators to get reasonably priced insurance.
Best sponsored and floor led a DRAM reform bill that he and others hoped would accomplish that goal. Best had the added benefit of special insight on the challenges facing restaurant and tavern operators because his step-daughter Amy and her husband Andy Walsh own Mickey’s Irish Pub in Waukee.
The final bill did bring several significant changes to Iowa law including shifting more personal responsibility to consumers and creating a defensible standard for alcohol servers and business owners. Best was pleased that the bill also increased potential consumer protections by requiring per person, rather than per incident, minimums.
A video showcasing Best can be found at
Iowa Restaurant Association
The Iowa Restaurant Association is an advocacy organization supporting Iowa’s restaurant and bar industry with educational and promotional programs across the state.
Media Contact:
Josephine Jensen,
Public Relations Specialist
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